For those who missed the short briefing this morning, I can understand for those who were involved with the PLTC. The others owe me an explanation of why you didn't turn up.
1. Health Declaration form.
- Jiangli have emailed to you all the form. So please download, print and fill it up.
Then submit it on this Sunday's final briefing and send-off at Tampines East CC, CD shelter, B1. The organising team needs this form from everyone.
2. Contact info/Next of kin/etc
- I needed you all to confirm that the consolidated contact info list that I have of you all is correct. Will be double-checking with you all on Sunday.
3. Other info that would be useful:
A-> Assembly Time:
- Timing to assemble at Changi airport terminal 1 is 5:15am
- Precise venue of meet-up at the airport to be confirmed on Sunday.
- Those who have transport difficulties are to inform me by this Sunday and I will make arrangements for you.
B-> Regarding some of the pack list items:
- Tee-shirts: Should be majority School/Scout-based Tees for identification & safety [at least 7 pcs I estimate you'd need]
- Footwear: 1 Black Scout shoe, 1 Sports/trekking shoe, 1 slipper
- Poncho: A MUST!! COMPULSORY!! MANDATORY!! You get the message right?
[Reason: It is monsoon season now and majority of the days and time will see downpour]
- Personal First aid: Your own person medication should you fall ill half-way.
- 1.5L or 1L water bottle: You can bring 3 X 500ml bottles instead.
- Stationery: At least 1 pen, 1 pencil, 1 eraser and jotter/exercise book.
- Face mask: NO NEED, as I will be getting them from school.
- Photocopy of passport: NO NEED, as I already have a copy of it.
- PASSPORT: My suggestion for you is to put it in a small sandwich ziplock bag for waterproofing.
- Extra, extra, extra plastic bags to hold your dirty laundry. [People always forget this one]
C-> Vaccination:
- At least get a flu jab before end of November as H1N1 vaccination for children under 18 has not been approved yet.
D-> Decorum & Safety:
- Do help check on each other's attire and decorum at all times.
- Safety: Watch out for one another during the trekking part and the streets of KL are not exactly as safe as Singapore whether its day or night time. I'll highlight all these to everyone at every stage of the travel.
E-> Your parents are encouraged to come down for the final briefing and send-off this Sunday (29 Nov 09) at the Tampines East CC, CD shelter, B1. So as to clarify any questions they may have.
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