Hazimah with a beady-eyes fierce look, "Don't you dare see me girl and think you can bully me harr! I'll pull your nose hairs out and poke your eyes blind!"
[Managed to stumble upon somebody's flickr site and that guy took really a LOT of NDP practise photos]
Thumbs up for the NDP Dove Scouts who sweat and toil hard every Saturday for the big event next week!
Dear Dove Scouts
This Friday is National Day celebration in school and everything should end about 10 or 10 plus am.
We will have a short 2 hour Scout meet (11am-1pm) and JiangLi will be there to accredit you on the areas lacking for your Scout Standard and Advance Scout Standard. So remember to bring your Scout booklet and we'll all try to get you guys attain your Scout Standard. The Muslim boys can be dismissed at 12.30pm.
FYI, the following week Fri (14 Aug), we'll be having a test for the Cooks proficiency badge. Please look for your patrol leaders for more info. You guys got to plan and prepare 4 dishes (Appetiser, Main course, dessert and drink) in 1 hour at the Food Lab plus churn out your menu card with nutrition info. Phew! Not easy harr... It's like your Cultural Fusion thing. Isn't it great? You get to prepare and eat and get a badge for it! Haha... Not so easy... You've got to work for it. If you do not contribute in the planning and preparation, then you don't get the badge and no delicious food for you.
Also after the cooking and feasting and getting the Cooks badge for it, Jiangli and I will be judging your patrols and there will be winner's prize for the best patrol.
When this is done, the Frisbee comp people will need to practise for their comp next week while the rest will continue to finish whichever areas missing to attain your Scout Standard or Advance Scout Standard.
Frisbee competition participants (Louis, Gerald, TingFang, Martin, Desmond, BingHui, Nishanth, Jonathon)
If you have attained the requirements, then you can join them for the fun.
15 Aug, Saturday (8am - 12.30pm) at EastSpring Sec - All to go there to support the Tampines District Frisbee competition. The competition ends at 2 or 4pm I think, but if you can stay then stay, if not you can be dismissed at 12.30pm from there.
Attire is half-U for the supporters.
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